Pui Shaak – ½ kg
Kumro (Pumpkin) -15 cube pieces
2 long Jhinge cut into long pieces of 1 1/2 inch
Potato 2 cut into cubes
1 tsp of turmeric powder
1tsp of coriander powder
1tsp of sugar
½ tsp of red pepper powder
1 tsp of salt
½ cup of water
3 tbs of mustard oil
1 Ilish macher matha fried prior to making the chorchori (if preparing vegetarian dish, skip this ingredient)
1 tsp of panch Phoron
Cut and clean the shag first, cut the leaves and then chop them , also cut the data ( twigs )approx 1inch long pieces and slit them in between .Throughly clean them in running water . Cut all the vegetables as said above .
Now heat up a kadai , add mustard oil, temper it with Panch phoron ,add potato, kumro(pumpkin) and fry them at med , add all the masala powders ,salt,sugar ,fry them at low for 5mints.TIP--At this point if you want to make the chorchori aamish (non-veg), add fried ilish macher matha and with the help of spatula ,break it into pieces in the the wok itself.This is my MIL’s way of preparing Puin shaager chorchori in home .Now add chopped puin shaag or green leaves and fry a little ,add water( just a little bit is sufficient) cover and cook for 10 mints at low, slow the process of making it ,it will add up to the flavour .Take out after it and have it with garam bhaat(rice)
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